In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend in the growing popularity of solid fuel boilers. People are placing their trust in them and increasingly choosing them to establish the primary heating systems in their homes, cottages, and even industrial facilities. But why is this the case? Our research has shown that significant cost savings are the main reason. Solid fuels such as coal, wood, and other types are much cheaper than electricity and gas, especially following recent tariff increases. Today, when comparing models with similar power, it can be said that using solid fuel appliances can save up to 40% compared to gas or electric boilers.
Additionally, they are absolutely safe. Due to their simplified design without additional components, they do not require regular maintenance. Their autonomous operation for up to two days allows homeowners not to worry about their property. Simply replenishing the fuel compartment is enough to keep the house warm and comfortable throughout the day, without concerns about power outages or poor performance from utility companies.
The only downside is the need for a chimney or exhaust system to remove the byproducts of combustion. They cannot be installed in apartments, as it is challenging to allocate a separate room for the creation and maintenance of safety measures in such a small space.